Information Displays
General information
WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford strongly recommends that drivers use extreme caution when using any device or feature that may take their focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of the vehicle. We recommend against the use of any handheld device while driving and that you comply with all applicable laws.
Various systems on your vehicle can be controlled using the information display controls on the steering wheel. Corresponding information is displayed in the information display.
See also:
Trip computer
Resetting the trip computer
Press and hold OK on the current screen to reset the respective trip, distance,
time and fuel information.
Trip Odometer
Registers the distance of individual journeys. ...
Direction indicators
The turn signal lever does not mechanically lock in the upward or downward position
when activated. The turn signal control activation and cancellation is electronic.
• Push down to activate th ...
Supplementary Restraints System
WARNING: Airbags do not inflate slowly or gently, and the risk of injury
from a deploying airbag is the greatest close to the trim covering the airbag module.
WARNING: All ...