Vehicle certification label

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Regulations require that a

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Regulations require that a Safety Compliance Certification Label be affixed to a vehicle and prescribe where the Safety Compliance Certification Label may be located. The Safety Compliance Certification Label shall be affixed to either the door hinge pillar, the door latch post, or the edge of the door near the door latch, next to the driver’s seating position.

    See also:

    Instrument panel/interior trim and cluster lens
    Clean the instrument panel, interior trim areas and cluster lens with a clean, damp, white cotton cloth, then use a clean and dry white cotton cloth to dry these areas. • Avoid cleaners or poli ...

    Voice recognition
    This system helps you control many features using voice commands. This allows you to keep your hands on the wheel and focus on what is in front of you. The system provides feedback through audible ...

    Instrument lighting dimmer
    Press repeatedly or press and hold until the desired level is reached. Note: In the uplevel message center only, a message will pop up that will show incrementally where the dimmer is in relation ...